Books, Movies, & More

Great Nonfiction
"The Shadow of the Sun" Ryszard Kapuscinski
"The Soccer War" Ryszard Kapuscinski
"Development As Freedom" Amartya Sen
"Wars, Guns, and Votes" Paul Collier
"Conversations with God" Neale Donald Walsch
"Mountains Beyond Mountains" Tracy Kidder
"The World's Banker" Sebastian Mallaby
"Man's Search for Meaning" Victor Frankl

Great Fiction
"Feast of the Goat" Mario Vargas Llosa
"Island Beneath the Sea" Isabel Allende
"The Color Purple" Alice Walker
"What is the What" Dave Eggars
"The Straight Man" Richard Russo
"Empire Falls" Richard Russo
"The Grapes of Wrath" John Steinbeck
"En El Tiempo de las Mariposas" Julia Alvarez
"El Alquimista: El Fabula para Seguir tus Suenos" Paulo Coehlo

Great Documentaries
Born Into Brothels- children of sex workers in the slums of India learn to document their lives
Waiting for Superman- failures of the education system in the United States
Ghosts of Rwanda (Frontline)- fascinating interviews with those who could have stopped the genocide
Earth- our Planet Earth in all its glory
Horse Boy- parents take their autistic child to Mongolia to be healed by shaman 
South of the Border- perspective on the populist movements taking hold of Central/South America
Jesus Camp- hilarious and scary at the same time
Thin- revealing film follows women struggling with anorexia and their treatments
God Grew Tired of Us- Sudanese refugees come to America for the first time
Please Vote for Me- class president elections in Chinese elementary schools, chaos ensues