Helloooo! I'm a twenty-four year old graduate student currently living in Washington, D.C.
The year after my college graduation I traveled around Latin America (Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador) and India (Tamil Nadu, near Chennai) interning with various NGOs, meeting new people, sampling interesting food, taking in the sights, and enjoying new cultures. After I returned from this first adventure I began to complete a masters degree in international development at the George Washington University in Washington DC. Then this summer I was offered an internship working for a large international NGO on an evaluation of their education in emergencies program. This position is based in Panama City, Panama but includes travel to Ecuador, Peru, and El Salvador. Currently I am back traveling and exploring the world for the summer, and writing about it on the way!
At Cafe Sky in Antigua, Guatemala |
Usually when I'm not studying or stressing about classes, I can usually be found relaxing with a novel or development book in my hand, happy as a clam. I also really enjoy fluffy and rambunctious dogs and puppies, so I often have a foster from the local rescue around the house wrecking general chaos in my life. Restaurant-going and trying new foods, wine, exploring D.C., yoga, and doing nerdy things like going to exhibits or cultural events are also the norm in my life. I've also recently discovered the wonderful world of well-done documentaries and indie films. And I'd like to learn the violin, so that is next on the list to take lessons. Oh, and I always try to practice my Spanish so I don't get out of practice. Have I mentioned that I'm interested in
everything and have a hard time focusing?
Anyway...enough about me! I hope you enjoy my blog, it is sure to be eclectic.