Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I've arrived safe and sound in Nicaragua (although my two checked bags, not so much). It is so different from Guatemala, which really took me by surprise. Not only the town but the culture is very different-- Nica not having a very large indigenous population now probably contributes a lot to that. The Spanish is also spoken much more rapidly and with some different words (and the "vos" form) so that is taking some getting used to. I promise I will post more, with pictures, very soon! I haven't actually started working at my project yet (everything moves veryyy slowly here) but I will update soon.

In the meantime-- here is the link to the website I made for the orphanage in Haiti where James and I worked over this summer. Hope for Tomorrow

This is my first attempt at really designing a website so its very basic, but hopefully it will help them with donations/volunteers. If anyone is interested in purchasing some of the cards made by the orphans, let me know! We have plenty!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear the update! Hope you get your bags back...
