Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead is one of the most sacred times for Guatemalans in the whole calendar year. It is the one day each year when they believe they can commune with their deceased loved ones, that they can return to earth from the spiritual realm. Its a great tradition and a great holiday. Most people spend the day with family in the cemetary with all of the tombs of their dead. They eat there, sit and talk, and listen to music. They decorate the tombs with flowers and also in some towns leave food and drink on the tomb for the dead to enjoy.

In two towns near us there are also great kite festivals. Kite flying is a tradition here around this time of year because it is believed that the kites reach up to heaven and therefore link the living with the dead who reside above. During the kite festival, only one day a year, kites are flown in the cemetaries.

For over 100 years in the town of Santiago there is also a kite competition between children and adults who spend months making gigantic colorful kites that have themes such as "Peace for everyone in the world" and "How beautiful Guatemala is". These kites are then displayed upright for the whole crowd to see.

I don't think there is anything more uniquely Guatemalan than Santiago's kite flying-- the colorful and flower scented graves (where people sit to watch the kites), children running around flying their little kites, typical Guatemalan food being sold by vendors in typical dress everywhere. And most of all the fine crafstmanship and love of color and beauty- this is something the Guatemalan people have never forgotten. I'm not sure that the dead really come back today to join their families in the literal sense, but there definitely is no denying that today in Guatemala is a very special day.

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